The day has come and passed where our fates were sealed by a singular A4 paper filled with a bunch of results that possibly could have altered the course of dinner conversations that day. For some of us, it felt as if we had ascended to the pearly gates that contained the approval and validation of our parents. Others perished under their parent’s scrutiny. With the intention of being academic weapons, academics became the weapon formed against us.
While our term 1 results did not show what we are capable of, we shouldn’t let it affect what we know we can achieve. In the same breath we need to consider the academic record we want to leave behind at Fourways High School. We should always strive to unlock of fullest potential and push ourselves as close as we can to achieving our goals.
Often the thing that stands between us being content about our reports are the idealistic marks we meticulously curate in our head. But our ideal marks are just that, ideal. Sure you could’ve probably achieved them if you studied a week prior or didn’t procrastinate when it was time to ‘chow’ books, but that’s simply not how life works.
For some of us, our term 1 reports were definitely not the last term one report we’ll ever receive, therefore it’s not too late to pick ourselves up and bridge the gap between the marks we achieved in term 1, and the marks we know are a true reflection of our academic capabilities. To the matric class of 2023, it is now or never.